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Couch Night. July 22, 2010

Posted by schlanghole in relationship.
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Today is Thursday and every Thursday night at my house is Couch Night. My night. One evening a week devoted to just me and my interests.

Couch Night happens in the den of my basement and starts typically as soon as I get home. It’s fairly ritualistic but the activities vary depending on what I want to accomplish. Some nights I am consumed with social media and catch up on what’s going on in everyones lives, engaging in conversations via Twitter/Facebook. Other nights I will write a blog post or even catch up on some work. Some weeks it’s reading a good book, while others I might catch up on all the trade news. Still other Thursdays you might find me researching recent archeological news or scouring antiquity dealer sites. And sometimes, I’m not going to lie, I’m not productive at all and watch a couple baseball games online or veg in front of the TV.

I always take my dinner on the couch and will munch on my favorite snacks and drink a beer or two throughout the evening eventually crashing on the couch after my wife has long gone to bed. If you know my wife, you would call me crazy. She’s freaking HOT and I get asked all the time, “Why would you want to fall asleep once a week on an old couch when you could instead fall asleep next to her!” It’s really not about her. It’s more about my alone time. I need it. I have to have it. It’s therapeutic. I’ve always cherished it and look forward to it each week. I “negotiated” Couch Night very early in our relationship (back when we were living in sin). I wouldn’t say that she looks forward to it as much as I do but, she tolerates it and I know, deep down, she understands where I’m coming from. She supports it as she has consistently supported everything I do (well, almost everything :^).

There are those who spend every possible moment with their significant other and I don’t doubt they are equally as happy as I am. But I am built differently and without my Couch Night, my alone time, I fall behind on my interests. And I like to think my interests make me more interesting not just to others but also to my wife and ultimately to myself.